1. Consent Agenda:
a. Approval of Board Meeting Minutes
Resolved (2014.11.17.01), the Board approves the minutes of its 16 and 28
October 2014 meetings.
b. Appointment of B-, C-, F-, and K- Root Server Operator Representatives to the RSSAC
Whereas, the ICANN Bylaws call for the establishment of a Root Server System
Advisory Committee (RSSAC) with the role to advise the ICANN community and
Board on matters relating to the operation, administration, security, and
integrity of the Internet's Root Server System.
Whereas, the ICANN Bylaws call for Board appointment of RSSAC members based on
recommendations from the RSSAC co-chairs.
Whereas, the RSSAC co-chairs recommended for Board consideration appointments
to the RSSAC to represent the B-root, C-root, F-root, and K-root server
Resolved (2014.11.17.02), the Board appoints the representatives for B-root,
C-root, and K-root server operators, Bill Manning, Paul Vixie, Daniel
Karrenberg, respectively, through 31 December 2017 and the representative for
F-root server operator, Jim Martin, through 31 December 2015 to the Root Server
System Advisory Committee.
c. SSAC Advisory on DNS "Search List" Processing and DDos Attacks Leveraging DNS Infrastructure
Whereas, in February 2014, the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC)
published SAC064 [PDF, 931 KB]: SSAC Advisory on DNS "Search List" Processing
and SAC065 [PDF, 423 KB]: SSAC Advisory on DDoS Attacks Leveraging DNS Infrastructure.
Whereas, in SAC 064, the advice highlights some of the DNS "search list"
processing behavior presents security and privacy issues to end systems, lead to
performance problems for the Internet, and might cause collision with names provisioned
under the newly delegated top-level domains.
Whereas, in SAC 065, the advice recommends ICANN and operators of Internet
infrastructure and manufacturers to take action to address the unresolved
critical design and deployment issues that have enabled increasingly large and
severe Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks using the DNS.
Whereas, while in some instances SAC 064 and SAC 065 call for actions not under
ICANN's control and actors not necessarily within ICANN's usual community, they
are meant to address the overall responsibilities of the multi-stakeholder
community and encourage ICANN to take action where it is relevant to do so.
Whereas, ensuring the stable and secure operation of the Internet's system of
unique identifiers is part of ICANN's mission; preserving and enhancing the
operational stability, reliability, security, and global interoperability of
the Internet part of ICANN's core value; and ensuring the introduction of new
gTLDs in a secure and stable manner is a strategic priority for ICANN.
Resolved (2014.11.17.03), the Board acknowledges the receipt of SAC064: SSAC
Advisory on Search List Processing, and SAC065: SSAC Advisory on DDoS Attacks
Leveraging DNS Infrastructure.
Resolved (2014.11.17.04), the Board directs the President and CEO, or his
designee(s), to evaluate the advice provided in SAC064 and SAC 065.
Resolved (2014.11.17.05), in the instances where it is recommended that the
advice be accepted, the Board directs the President and CEO, or his
designee(s), to evaluate the feasibility and cost of implementing the advice,
and provide an implementation plan with timelines and high-level milestones for
review by the Board, no later than 120 days from the adoption of this
d. Completion of the Address Supporting Organization (ASO) Organizational Review
Whereas, ICANN Bylaws Article IV, Section 4 call for a "periodic review of the
performance and operation of each Supporting Organization, each Supporting Organization
Council, each Advisory Committee (other than the Governmental Advisory Committee), and
the Nominating Committee by an entity or entities independent of the organization under
Whereas, the Number Resource Organization (NRO) "shall provide its own review
mechanisms" in reference to periodic review of the ASO, based on the terms of the
ICANN Address Supporting Organization (ASO) Memorandum of Understanding dated 21 October
Whereas, the NRO completed the review of the ASO and the implementation work
resulting from the recommendations offered by ITEMS International, the
independent examiner engaged to conduct the ASO review.
RESOLVED (2014.11.17.06) that the Board accepts the final report from the
Number Resource Organization (NRO) issued in the form of a letter to the Chair
of the Structural Improvements Committee in November 2013 regarding the
completion of implementation work resulting from the ASO Review. The Board
thanks the NRO for its work in conducting the review and acknowledges the
completion of the implementation work resulting from the recommendations
received by the NRO during the review.
RESOLVED (2014.11.17.07) that the Board directs staff to provide support
requested by the Chair of the NRO Executive Council, consisting of logistical
staff support associated with ICANN meetings, allocation of time during ICANN
meetings for ASO and NRO reports to the ICANN community, translation services
and improved visibility on the ICANN web site.
2. Main Agenda:
a. Meeting Strategy Working Group (MSWG) Recommendations Implementation Plan for 2016
Whereas, ICANN intends to hold meetings in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020.
Whereas, the Meeting Strategy Working Group produced a Final Report of
recommendations to improve the overall structure and format of ICANN Meetings
and on 26 June 2014 received the Board's gratitude for conducting this review.
Whereas, in furtherance of the Board's 26 June 2014, ICANN reviewed the MSWG
Final Report and developed an implementation plan based on the recommendations
within that Final Report, identifying implementation in the calendar year 2016.
In addition, ICANN identifies a five (5) year schedule and regional rotation
for ICANN Meetings through 2020.
Whereas, the five year schedule reflects the MSWG recommendations for timing
and duration of ICANN Public Meetings.
Resolved (2014.11.17.08), the Board accepts all MSWG recommendations and
directs the President and CEO, through his designee(s), to proceed with
implementation. For recommendations on meeting support and engagement
activities, focusing on technical support for remote participants and easing of
future visa attainment for attendees, the Board directs the President and CEO
to provide required support to obtain relevant metrics on recurring attendees.
Resolved (2014.11.17.09), the Board accepts the dates of Meetings to be held in
2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 as set forth in Annex 1 to this Resolution.
b. Planning for Future gTLD Application Rounds
Whereas, the New gTLD Program was developed and implemented based on consensus
policy recommendations from the GNSO;
Whereas, ICANN undertook thorough consultation with the global stakeholder community in
the development of the application and evaluation processes in the New gTLD Applicant
Guidebook ("Applicant Guidebook");
Whereas, the GNSO policy recommendations provide that applications for new
gTLDs should continue to be accepted in rounds;
Whereas, the Board has reaffirmed its commitment to opening a subsequent
application round in a timely manner;
Whereas, the Board wishes to set the continuing direction for the New gTLD
Whereas, ICANN is committed to executing a number of reviews as part of moving
forward with subsequent rounds of the New gTLD Program;
Whereas, the Board wishes to ensure that the GNSO's deliberations on policy
applicable to future rounds includes consideration of potential policy issues
that were not addressed by the GNSO's 2007 policy recommendations, including
issues that the NGPC was called on to address as implementation issues;
Resolved (2014.11.17.10), the Board directs the staff to continue working with
the community to refine the work plan for executing all required reviews of the
New gTLD Program and to provide regular updates to the community on the status
and timeframes of review activities.
Resolved (2014.11.17.11), the Board notes the effort in progress within the
GNSO to identify areas where the GNSO believes that policy advice can be
clarified or where it wishes to provide additional policy advice applicable to
future application rounds, and looks forward to the results of this work, to
ensure that key policy areas are addressed for future rounds.
Resolved (2014.11.17.xx), the Board notes that the GNSO has invited the NGPC to
provide input to the GNSO Council to identify areas that may be appropriate for
discussion for an evaluation of the current gTLD application round and for
possible adjustments for subsequent application procedures. The Board
appreciates the request and has identified, in addition to the GNSO analysis of
the Applicant Guidebook and the current application round, a set of topics
(included as Annex A) that may be appropriate for discussion by the GNSO.
c. ICANN 53 Meeting Location
No resolution taken.