[council] Name Collision - staff expert participation required?
Dear All, In relation to agenda item 6 name collision (see below), Fransisco Arias has indicated that he is available to join the Council meeting tomorrow should there be any further questions in relation to the staff paper or other technical questions relating to this issue. If you anticipate that his input may be required to help inform the Council deliberations on what further action, if any, should be taken on this topic, please let me know (off-list) by today 20.00 UTC at the latest so I can inform him accordingly. Of course, should any questions arise during the meeting that were not originally anticipated, we can always pass these on after the meeting for a response. Best regards, Marika Item 6: UPDATE Name Collision (15 mins) On the 30 July 2014, the New gTLD Program Committee of the ICANN Board directed staff to "provide information to, and work with the GNSO to consider whether policy work on developing a long-term plan to manage gTLD name collision issues should be undertaken." ICANN Staff submitted this paper to the GNSO Council on 7 October 2014 (see https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/name-collision-gnso-policy-07oct 14-en.pdf) and it was presented to the Council during the ICANN meeting in Los Angeles. Council members agreed in Los Angeles to discuss with their respective group what further action, if any, should be taken on this topic and report back accordingly during this meeting. Furthermore, a letter <http://gnso.icann.org/en/correspondence/namazi-to-robinson-30oct14-en.pdf> was received from Cyrus Namazi offering any additional information or assistance that ICANN Staff can provide to further assist the Council in its deliberations. This is an opportunity for the Council to discuss which steps, if any, it would like to take in relation to this topic. 6.1 Discussion 6.2 Next steps Attachment: