[council] FYI - Save the Date - ICANN Brussels Briefing, 18 Dec 2013 at Renaissance hotel
For your information BRUSSELS BRIEFING; 18TH DECEMBER 2013 As 2013 comes to an end we would like you to save the date for the second (and last of year) ICANN Brussels briefing, on December 18 at 09.30hrs at the Renaissance Hotel <https://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF-8&q=Renaissance+Brussels+Hotel&fb=1&hq= renaissance+hotel&hnear=0x47c3a4ed73c76867:0xc18b3a66787302a7,Brussels,+Belg ium&cid=10687355292024950971&ei=Is2lUqnxEIeqhQf20YGABw&ved=0CPYBEPwSMAs> , the event will finish with a buffet lunch. It will be an occasion to meet and update you on the ICANN developments including the new gTLD program, outcomes from the ICANN 48 Buenos Aires and larger IG topics such as the preparation of the San Paulo meeting on the Future of the Internet Governance, the 1NET movement and the WSIS+10 review process. We will also to take stock from the first public session on the ICANN Engagement Strategy for Europe <https://community.icann.org/display/gseeuropewkspc/ICANN+Engagement+Strateg y+for+Europe> (IESE) held at ICANN 48, and design toghether the roadmap to build a solid regional strategy. 2014 is set to be a key year in the global IG ecosystem, would be very good too see you and exchange greetings before we start the Christmas break and a very intense year ahead. Please "spread the news" and let us know if you can come (Register sending your details to petya.minkova@xxxxxxxxx) Best regards, Nigel Hickson nigel.hickson@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:nigel.hickson@xxxxxxxxx> Andrea Beccalli andrea.beccalli@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:andrea.beccalli@xxxxxxxxx> Attachment:
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