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[council] RE: Berard comments on agenda for the GNSO Council Meeting - 12 December 2013

Thanks John,


I’ll respond quickly with a few thoughts in-line below whilst it’s still my 
working day at least.


From: john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:john@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 04 December 2013 15:59
To: jrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxx; council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Berard comments on agenda for the GNSO Council Meeting - 12 December 


Jonathan, et. al.,


Allow me to be a bit forward here.


While this agenda may seem light on its face (do agenda have faces?  that's a 
puzzler), I think there are three bits knit together from the action & project 
lists that ought to be our primary focus:


First, under cover of the PDP improvements work, there are three essential 
elements, 1, technology and tools in support of working groups, 2. expanding 
the pool of participants in working groups and 3. ensuring earlier 
participation by the GAC.  I am still stung by the way the GAC Buenos Aires 
communique made no reference to the IGO/INGO working group.


Under this one.  We are definitely moving ahead with the GAC early engagement 
so that is in hand.  First meeting Friday 6th Dec.  More communication to 

Regarding 1 & 2, it’s all about realistic, practical initiatives we can take, I 


Second, linked to this and highlighted by the instinct for top-down direction 
is the nature of cross-community working groups.  Mary Wong and I are on point 
to follow-up your letter of invitation, but I think we ought to "farm out" 
invitations to specific SO/ACs based on whoever on the Council has the tightest 
relationships.  We need to move on this or we might as well stand down and let 
nature take its course.


Please clarify here?  There’s lots going on an I am not sure what specifically 
should be happening here.


Third, the GNSO review.  We ought to set a more specific agenda for the work 
that Jennifer is leading. 


Agreed.  It’s just that there are two components:

1.       The board led work.  Which we need to track and potentially influence. 
 I don’t expect any significant movement in 2013.

2.       Our own initiatives linked to 1 above.  We need to be sure (or surer) 
where they are going to as to make sure what we do is coherent with their 

So, I feel we are tracking 1 with a view towards 2 and that there is not a lot 
to do immediately, hence why it is not on the agenda for Dec.

That said, we could schedule a regular update.


The ATRT2 letter might seem a 4th important bit, but it is due the next day and 
we will likely have a go/no-go from our groups before we get on the call.


Agreed.  This seems urgent and (IMO) we need someone to lead, pick up the pen 
and synthesise in a short and sweet fashion where we are with this.

Ideally it should link to and have e.g. similar numbering to any ATRT2 recs so 
it can be easily tracked.


My two (or three cents).




--------- Original Message --------- 

Subject: [council] Agenda for the GNSO Council Meeting - 12 December 2013
From: "Jonathan Robinson" <jrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: 12/4/13 5:43 am
To: council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx



Please see attached for a draft agenda for the GNSO Council meeting on 12 
December 2013.


It has not yet been published and distributed in the usual way but will be 






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