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Re: [council] Motion on the Final Report of the joint DNS Security and Stability Analysis (DSSA) working group

hi Chuck,

i think the answer is "yes and no."  no, there are no specific requirements 
laid out that require formal action by the GNSO Council.  

but there is much that is suggested in this report which could lead to a 
variety of GNSO-sponsored activities.  the project team was becalmed by the 
Board's DNS Risk Management Framework project.  as a result, the DSSA didn't 
complete its charter, which was to actually *assess* the risks facing the DNS.  
we were about to get started on that, but lost about a year while we waited for 
the Board work to complete.  the combination of losing momentum and conflicting 
recommendations from the Board project made it very hard to imagine a way for 
the DSSA group to complete its work.

as recent events have shown, we have plenty of room to improve the way that 
ICANN (the community and the corporation) manage risk.  in that respect my 
answer to your question is "absolutely yes."  but i don't know the best way to 
proceed from here.  


On Dec 2, 2013, at 10:25 AM, "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Mikey,
> Are there any recommendations in the final report that eventually may require 
> action by the GNSO?
> Chuck
> From: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On 
> Behalf Of Mike O'Connor
> Sent: Monday, December 02, 2013 10:43 AM
> To: Council GNSO
> Subject: [council] Motion on the Final Report of the joint DNS Security and 
> Stability Analysis (DSSA) working group
> dear all,
> here's a motion with regard to the DSSA working group.  a second would be 
> nifty.
> mikey
> Motion on the Final Report joint DNS stability and security analysis Working 
> Group
> Whereas
> 1.         The joint DNS Security and Stability Analysis working group was 
> established by the participating Supporting Organizations and Advisory 
> Committees ALAC, ccNSO, GNSO and NRO to better understand the security and 
> stability of the global domain name system (DNS) in 2011. 
> 2.         In October 2011 the ICANN Board of Directors established the Board 
> DNS Risk Management Framework Working Group (DNS RMF WG), with the objective 
> to oversee the development of a risk management framework and system for the 
> DNS as it pertains to ICANN's role as defined in the ICANN Bylaws.
> 3.         At the time the DSSA published its draft Report Phase 1 (August 
> 2012), the DSSA went into hibernation to avoid overlap with the work of the 
> Board DNS RMF and noted and informed the participating SO’s and AC’s that in 
> order to reflect the changed environment and working method, the charter of 
> the DSSA would need to be updated to reflect these changes.
> 4.         The co-chairs of the DSSA WG have send a letter to the chairs of 
> each of the participating stakeholder organizations to submit the Final 
> Report and the work products contained in it (available at: 
> http://ccnso.icann.org/workinggroups/dssa-final-08nov13-en.pdf) .  
> 5.         The DSSA recommends the acceptance of the Final Report and further 
> recommends that the Final Report be disseminated to the ccTLD’s for their 
> consideration.  
> 6.         Upon adoption of the Final report of the DSSA, and notification of 
> adoption to the co-chairs of the DSSA, the working group will be closed. 
> Resolved
> 1.         The GNSO Council adopts the Report submitted by the co-chairs of 
> the DSSA WG, as the Final Report of the DSSA WG in accordance with section 
> 2.4 of its charter.
> 2.         The chair of the GNSO Council is requested to inform the co-chairs 
> of the DSSA WG of adoption of the Report by the GNSO Council. 
> 3.         The chair of GNSO Council is also requested to inform the chairs 
> of the other participating SO’s and Ac’s (ALAC, ccNSO and NRO). 
> 4.         Finally, the GNSO Council thanks and congratulates all, and in 
> particular the co-chairs of the WG: Olivier Crepin-LeBlond ( ALAC), Joerg 
> Schweiger (.DE, ccNSO), Mikey O’ Connor (GNSO), James Galvin ( SSAC) and Mark 
> Koster (NRO) and all volunteers and staff who helped with this effort.
> PHONE: 651-647-6109, FAX: 866-280-2356, WEB: www.haven2.com, HANDLE: 
> OConnorStP (ID for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

PHONE: 651-647-6109, FAX: 866-280-2356, WEB: www.haven2.com, HANDLE: OConnorStP 
(ID for Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)

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