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RE: [council] GNSO Council Induction & Development Workshop

Thanks Magaly,


We had a productive day.  Talk with others about their perceptions and




From: Magaly Pazello [mailto:magaly.pazello@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 22 November 2013 00:58
To: jrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [council] GNSO Council Induction & Development Workshop


Dear Jonathan and colleagues,

I regret a lot not be able to attend the meeting tomorrow, no doubts that I
will miss a great opportunity to improve my knowledge about the GNSO council
functioning. However, this Friday I have to teach the all day long and
because we went on strike for 3 month this year it is impossible to change
my class dates. I wish a very productive meeting specially for the new
councilors and I hope all of you have a smooth trip back home, with no
delayed flights as I had (my trip took incredibly 7:30 to Rio de
Janeiro...). Who has planned to stay in Buenos Aires I learned there are a
plenty of cultural activities in the city, so enjoy!


Kind regards,


On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 6:06 PM, Jonathan Robinson <jrobinson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>



Please see attached a detailed and updated agenda for tomorrow's GNSO
Council induction and development workshop.


The schedule is:


1.       09h00 - Breakfast focussed on "new" GNSO Council members

2.       10h00 - Main workshop commences to include participation from SG &
Constituency leaders

3.       17h30 - End of workshop


We will leave for dinner at 20h15 and expect to gather in the lobby of the
Sheraton from 20h00.


Look forward to seeing you on 24th floor of Sheraton Hotel (NOT Park Tower)
no later than 10h00 tomorrow.








Jonathan Robinson




 <mailto:jonathan.robinson@xxxxxxxxxxx> jonathan.robinson@xxxxxxxxxxx

Tel: +44 (0)20 7993 6103 <tel:%2B44%20%280%2920%207993%206103> 

skype: jonathan.m.r



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