[council] GNSO ATRT2 Applicants
All, The GNSO Council has now received endorsements from all four SGs. As a reminder, the GNSO process is as follows: The Council will consider the resulting list of up to four nominees at its next teleconference. If the list does not meet the above mentioned diversity objectives, the Council as a whole may choose to endorse up to two additional candidates from the applicant pool who would help to give the list of GNSO nominees the desired balance. In this case, the Council would hold a vote during its teleconference, with sixty percent support of both houses represented in the Council being required for endorsement. If no candidate obtains that level of support, the list of endorsements obtained via the bottom-up process of stakeholder group nominations will be deemed final and forwarded to ICANN. . The candidate list meets the GNSO agreed gender diversity requirements in that not all endorsed candidates are of the same gender. . However it does not meet the GNSO agreed geographic diversity requirements in that all endorsed candidates are from a single (North America) ICANN region. Therefore the slate needs to be added to with (up to two) additional SG supported candidates in order to get closer to meeting geographic diversity requirements. The two SG supported candidates that assist us in meeting this requirement are: Marie-Laure Lemineur F Latin America NCSG Olivier Mouron M Europe CSG Therefore we will ballot the Council on list (since a teleconference is now not practical ahead of the deadline) in order to see if either or both (of Marie-Laure Lemineur and Olivier Mouron) have the support of 60% of both houses of the Council. Please can you keep an alert view on the Council list for the ballot which will be available no later than 23h59 UTC today (24th January 2013). The ballot will close 23h59 UTC on 26th January. Thank-you. Jonathan Attachment:
ATRT2 candidates.xlsx Attachment:
Process for GNSO Endorsement of Nominees to the Affirmation of Commitmen....pdf |