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[council] Fwd: [soac-discussion] ICANN Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Results to be Presented: Preview

  • To: "council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx GNSO" <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [council] Fwd: [soac-discussion] ICANN Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Results to be Presented: Preview
  • From: Stéphane Van Gelder <stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2012 02:57:18 +0100
  • List-id: council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • References: <CB7E23C6.4229F%kurt.pritz@icann.org>
  • Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Councillors, FYI.


Début du message réexpédié :

> De : Kurt Pritz <kurt.pritz@xxxxxxxxx>
> Objet : [soac-discussion] ICANN Stakeholder Satisfaction Survey Results to be 
> Presented: Preview
> Date : 8 mars 2012 17:52:22 HNEC
> À : "soac-discussion@xxxxxxxxx" <soac-discussion@xxxxxxxxx>
> Cc : David Olive <david.olive@xxxxxxxxx>, Robert Hoggarth 
> <robert.hoggarth@xxxxxxxxx>
> Dear Community Leaders;
> Thank you for your recent efforts to circulate the initial ICANN Stakeholder 
> Satisfaction Survey to your respective communities.
> We have tabulated the results and have produced a package of materials for 
> interested community members.  I have attached an executive summary of the 
> survey results for your information that you may forward to members of your 
> communities.  We have posted the full survey administrator report (including 
> much of the raw survey response data) on a special new page on the ICANN 
> Community Wiki at https://community.icann.org/x/IaXbAQ.  The ICANN staff will 
> be reviewing the survey results on a department-by-department basis to 
> identify opportunities for short-term and longer-term improvements. 
> There is no need to read and digest this material now, we will be presenting 
> the material in a workshop created as the first opportunity for community 
> input at the upcoming Public Meeting in San Jose, Costa Rica. The session 
> will "unveil"  the survey results as well as launch a community feedback on 
> the process, design and logistics of future survey efforts (see 
> http://costarica43.icann.org/node/29733). We wanted to provide you a preview.
> This initial survey effort has been a learning experience.  We would like the 
> next survey effort to incorporate feedback and advice from your communities 
> so that we can expand participation in future surveys, focus questions on the 
> areas that need attention and address productive and meaningful changes in 
> areas where it is warranted. 
> Thank you for your support of this effort. See you shortly in San Jose.
> Best regards,
> Kurt Pritz 

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