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Re: [council] Motions for next week's meeting

Thanks Mason,

Please just send your updated text so that Glen can pick it up for the wiki.

Thanks again.


Le 13 janv. 2012 à 23:58, Mason Cole a écrit :

> Yes.  Do you need me to resubmit the motions? 
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Stéphane Van Gelder [mailto:stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Fri 1/13/2012 12:12 AM
> To: Neuman, Jeff
> Cc: Mason Cole; council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: Re: [council] Motions for next week's meeting
> Mason, are you OK with doing that?
> Stéphane
> Le 12 janv. 2012 à 00:00, Neuman, Jeff a écrit :
>                 Easiest fix is to take out that whereas clause (since we are 
> trying to cut down on those anyway).
>         Jeffrey J. Neuman
>         Neustar, Inc. / Vice President, Business Affairs
>         ________________________________
>                 The information contained in this e-mail message is intended 
> only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may contain confidential 
> and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient you have 
> received this e-mail message in error and any review, dissemination, 
> distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have 
> received this communication in error, please notify us immediately and delete 
> the original message.
>         From: Stéphane Van Gelder [mailto:stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx]
>         Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 9:38 AM
>         To: Neuman, Jeff
>         Cc: Mason Cole; council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>         Subject: Re: [council] Motions for next week's meeting
>         Thanks Jeff.
>         Can you suggest a FA please?
>         Stéphane
>         Le 11 janv. 2012 à 14:11, Neuman, Jeff a écrit :
>         I will second, but just ask that we change the Whearas clauses to 
> acknowledge the comments received by the IPC (even if past the due date).
>         Jeffrey J. Neuman
>         Neustar, Inc. / Vice President, Business Affairs
>         ________________________________
>                 The information contained in this e-mail message is intended 
> only for the use of the recipient(s) named above and may contain confidential 
> and/or privileged information. If you are not the intended recipient you have 
> received this e-mail message in error and any review, dissemination, 
> distribution, or copying of this message is strictly prohibited. If you have 
> received this communication in error, please notify us immediately and delete 
> the original message.
>         From: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
> [mailto:owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Stéphane Van Gelder
>         Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 7:54 AM
>         To: Mason Cole
>         Cc: council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>         Subject: Re: [council] Motions for next week's meeting
>         Thanks Mason for making these.
>         Are there seconds for these motions?
>         Glen, please upload them to the wiki. Thanks.
>         Stéphane
>         Le 10 janv. 2012 à 19:57, Mason Cole a écrit :
>         Happy New Year all --
>         I move for the following two items:
>         Motion on the Adoption of the Staff Proposal on IRTP Part B 
> Recommendation #8
>         WHEREAS on 24 June 2009, the GNSO Council launched a Policy 
> Development Process (PDP) on IRTP Part B addressing the following five 
> charter questions:
>         a. Whether a process for urgent return/resolution of a domain name 
> should be developed, as discussed within the SSAC hijacking report 
> (http://www.icann.org/announcements/hijacking-report-12jul05.pdf); see also 
> (http://www.icann.org/correspondence/cole-to-tonkin-14mar05.htm);
>         b. Whether additional provisions on undoing inappropriate transfers 
> are needed, especially with regard to disputes between a Registrant and Admin 
> Contact (AC). The policy is clear that the Registrant can overrule the AC, 
> but how this is implemented is currently at the discretion of the registrar;
>         c. Whether special provisions are needed for a change of registrant 
> when it occurs near the time of a change of registrar. The policy does not 
> currently deal with change of registrant, which often figures in hijacking 
> cases;
>         d. Whether standards or best practices should be implemented 
> regarding use of a Registrar Lock status (e.g. when it may/may not, 
> should/should not be applied);
>         e. Whether, and if so, how best to clarify denial reason #7: A domain 
> name was already in 'lock status' provided that the Registrar provides a 
> readily accessible and reasonable means for the Registered Name Holder to 
> remove the lock status.
>         WHEREAS this PDP has followed the prescribed PDP steps as stated in 
> the Bylaws, resulting in a Final Report delivered on 30 May 2011;
>         WHEREAS the IRTP Part B WG has reached full consensus on the 
> recommendations in relation to each of the five issues outlined above;
>         WHEREAS in relation to recommendation #8, the GNSO Council resolved 
> at its meeting on 22 June to request 'ICANN staff to provide a proposal 
> designed to ensure a technically feasible approach can be developed to meet 
> this recommendation. Staff should take into account the IRTP Part B WG 
> deliberations in relation to this issue (see IRTP Part B Final Report). (IRTP 
> Part B Recommendation #8). The goal of these changes is to clarify why the 
> Lock has been applied and how it can be changed. Upon review of the proposed 
> plan, the GNSO Council will consider whether to approve the recommendation';
>         WHEREAS ICANN staff developed the proposal in consultation with the 
> IRTP Part B Working Group which was put out for public comment (see 
> http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/irtp-b-staff-proposals-22nov11-en.htm);
>         WHEREAS no comments were received as part of the public comment forum 
> and the proposal was submitted to the GNSO Council;
>         WHEREAS the GNSO Council has reviewed and discussed the ICANN Staff 
> proposal in relation to IRTP Part B recommendation #8.
>         RESOLVED, the GNSO Council recommends to the ICANN Board of Directors 
> that it adopts and implements IRTP Part B recommendation #8 and the related 
> ICANN Staff proposal (as described in 
> http://gnso.icann.org/issues/transfers/irtp-b-final-report-30may11-en.pdf and 
> http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/msg12545.html).
>         ==============
>         Motion on the Adoption of the Staff Proposal on IRTP Part B 
> Recommendation #9 part 2
>         WHEREAS on 24 June 2009, the GNSO Council launched a Policy 
> Development Process (PDP) on IRTP Part B addressing the following five 
> charter questions:
>         a. Whether a process for urgent return/resolution of a domain name 
> should be developed, as discussed within the SSAC hijacking 
> report?(http://www.icann.org/announcements/hijacking-report-12jul05.pdf); see 
> also (http://www.icann.org/correspondence/cole-to-tonkin-14mar05.htm);
>         b. Whether additional provisions on undoing inappropriate transfers 
> are needed, especially with regard to disputes between a Registrant and Admin 
> Contact (AC). The policy is clear that the Registrant can overrule the AC, 
> but how this is implemented is currently at the discretion of the registrar;
>         c. Whether special provisions are needed for a change of registrant 
> when it occurs near the time of a change of registrar. The policy does not 
> currently deal with change of registrant, which often figures in hijacking 
> cases;
>         d. Whether standards or best practices should be implemented 
> regarding use of a Registrar Lock status (e.g. when it may/may not, 
> should/should not be applied);?e. Whether, and if so, how best to clarify 
> denial reason #7: A domain name was already in 'lock status' provided that 
> the Registrar provides a readily?accessible and reasonable means for the 
> Registered Name Holder to remove the lock status.
>         WHEREAS this PDP has followed the prescribed PDP steps as stated in 
> the Bylaws, resulting in a Final Report delivered on 30 May 2011;
>         WHEREAS the IRTP Part B WG has reached full consensus on the 
> recommendations in relation to each of the five issues outlined above;
>         WHEREAS in relation to recommendation #9 part b, the GNSO Council 
> resolved at its meeting on 22 June to request ICANN Staff to provide a 
> proposal for a new provision on locking / unlocking of a domain name, taking 
> into account the IRTP Part B WG deliberations in relation to this issue (see 
> IRTP Part B Final Report - (Recommendation #9 - part 2). Upon review of the 
> proposal, the GNSO Council will consider whether to approve the 
> recommendation;
>         WHEREAS ICANN staff developed the proposal in consultation with the 
> IRTP Part B Working Group which was put out for public comment (see 
> http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/irtp-b-staff-proposals-22nov11-en.htm);
>         WHEREAS no comments were received as part of the public comment forum 
> and the proposal was submitted to the GNSO Council;
>         WHEREAS the GNSO Council has reviewed and discussed the ICANN Staff 
> proposal in relation to IRTP Part B recommendation #9 part 2.
>         RESOLVED, the GNSO Council recommends to the ICANN Board of Directors 
> that it adopts and implements IRTP Part B recommendation #9 part 2 and the 
> related ICANN Staff proposal (as described in 
> http://gnso.icann.org/issues/transfers/irtp-b-final-report-30may11-en.pdf and 
> http://gnso.icann.org/mailing-lists/archives/council/msg12545.html).

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