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[council] Fwd: [soac-discussion] Fwd: Form a Focus Group to Provide Feedback on Proposed Public Comment Constructs

  • To: Council GNSO <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [council] Fwd: [soac-discussion] Fwd: Form a Focus Group to Provide Feedback on Proposed Public Comment Constructs
  • From: Stéphane Van Gelder <stephane.vangelder@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2011 18:44:15 +0200
  • List-id: council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • References: <9F29D1C0-34EA-4123-AEBB-057137B610C2@icann.org>
  • Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Councillors, FYI.

Début du message réexpédié :

> De : Filiz Yilmaz <filiz.yilmaz@xxxxxxxxx>
> Date : 14 juillet 2011 16:54:19 HAEC
> À : "soac-discussion@xxxxxxxxx" <soac-discussion@xxxxxxxxx>
> Cc : "mike.silber@xxxxxxxxx Silber" <mike.silber@xxxxxxxxx>
> Objet : [soac-discussion] Fwd: Form a Focus Group to Provide Feedback on 
> Proposed Public Comment Constructs 
> Dear Community Leaders, 
> This is a friendly reminder that yesterday was the last day for the call to 
> name volunteers to take part in the Focus Group and we only heard back from 
> two groups; ALAC and Registries Stakeholder Group. 
> I hope you can reach out to your groups again and ask whether there are 
> interested people to work with us in this group. We believe their feedback 
> will be most valuable in this process and having a good representation of the 
> various groups of the ICANN community within the Focus Group will be 
> beneficial overall. 
> Please let us know before the beginning of next week as the Focus Group is 
> planned to start the work by 20 July 2011. 
> Thanks for your support and kind regards.
> Filiz Yilmaz
> Sr Dir Participation and Engagement
> Begin forwarded message:
>> From: Filiz Yilmaz <filiz.yilmaz@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Date: June 30, 2011 6:08:49 PM GMT+02:00
>> To: "soac-discussion@xxxxxxxxx" <soac-discussion@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Cc: "mike.silber@xxxxxxxxx Silber" <mike.silber@xxxxxxxxx>
>> Subject: Form a Focus Group to Provide Feedback on Proposed Public Comment 
>> Constructs 
>> Dear Community Leaders,
>> I communicated to you in Singapore that we would like to receive your 
>> support in forming a Focus Group to provide some initial feedback on two 
>> specific Public Comment implementation proposals relating to ATRT 
>> Recommendations 15, 16 and 17.   
>> This email is intended to provide additional details to help you in 
>> identifying individuals to participate in this activity.  
>> Purpose:  To help ICANN Staff assess the usability and viability of certain 
>> implementation constructs related to the Public Comment process as 
>> recommended by the ATRT. 
>> Team Members: We would prefer to keep the Focus Group relatively small and 
>> are therefore requesting one representative from of each ICANN SO, AC or SG. 
>> Methodology:  Due to the challenges in scheduling telephone calls/meetings 
>> and considering the nature of the topics/questions, our plan is that the 
>> group will interact and collaborate via a dedicated space within ICANN's 
>> Confluence Wiki environment.  Details (e.g., links, login information) will 
>> be sent to the volunteers separately.  At this time, no meetings are 
>> planned. 
>> Duration:  We anticipate that the feedback period will last one month from 
>> 20 July through 19 August at which point the dedicated Wiki space will be 
>> closed.  
>> Content: ICANN Staff will outline two current proposals to the Focus Group 
>> and collect initial feedback (via the Wiki).  The two specific topics that 
>> the Focus Group's will be asked to provide feedback are:
>> Topic 1:  Stratification/Prioritization of Public Comments
>> Topic 2. Comment/Reply Structure for Public Comments
>> Scope: The Focus Group will be asked specific questions concerning the 
>> topics listed above and feedback/responses will be collected via the Wiki. 
>> The ATRT Recommendations have been reviewed by the ICANN Community and 
>> approved by the ICANN Board; therefore, the Focus Group will not be asked to 
>> validate the ATRT Recommendations themselves.
>> Outcomes:  The Wiki collaboration and discussion threads will be used by 
>> Staff to inform its planning concerning the implementation topics listed 
>> above. Staff does not plan to issue any written reports or summaries of the 
>> Focus Group's deliberations; however, the Wiki may be opened for public read 
>> access once the work is completed.  Elements of the feedback may be 
>> incorporated into a formal Public Comment solicitation that will deal with 
>> these same topics circa September 2011.  
>> I hope you find the above information helpful in identifying and selecting 
>> candidates to help with this feedback process.
>> We hope to hear back from you with one volunteer contact detail from your 
>> group latest by 13 July 2011, in order to start the activity as outlined 
>> above.
>> Kind regards, 
>> Filiz Yilmaz
>> Sr Dir Participation and Engagement

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