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[council] FW: [soac-discussion] DNS SSR & WHOIS RT Composition

  • To: "GNSO Council" <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [council] FW: [soac-discussion] DNS SSR & WHOIS RT Composition
  • From: "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 19:27:14 -0400
  • List-id: council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcsunsGOAAEqSlOXQ3WsD6VIESAOnwAAA+bwAANbwWA=
  • Thread-topic: [soac-discussion] DNS SSR & WHOIS RT Composition

Here's a revised summary of the SSR & Whois RT compositions, correcting
the number ALAC representatives with no change to the GNSO numbers.


-----Original Message-----
From: owner-soac-discussion@xxxxxxxxx
[mailto:owner-soac-discussion@xxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 5:51 PM
To: alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx; soac-discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: rod.beckstrom@xxxxxxxxx; olof.nordling@xxxxxxxxx;
alice.jansen@xxxxxxxxx; donna.austin@xxxxxxxxx; denise.michel@xxxxxxxxx;
Subject: RE: [soac-discussion] DNS SSR & WHOIS RT Composition

Ack!! You're correct (this is what happens drafting emails at the end of
the day).   My apologies.  Changes made below.  

-----Original Message-----
From: Alan Greenberg [mailto:alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 5:48 PM
To: Dryden, Heather: SPS; soac-discussion@xxxxxxxxx
Cc: rod.beckstrom@xxxxxxxxx; olof.nordling@xxxxxxxxx;
alice.jansen@xxxxxxxxx; donna.austin@xxxxxxxxx; denise.michel@xxxxxxxxx;
Subject: Re: [soac-discussion] DNS SSR & WHOIS RT Composition
Importance: High

Heather, I am confused. Last Friday, Rod sent out a note saying that 
ALAC had 1 seat on the SS&R RT and 2 on the WHOIS RT (reproduced below).


>>From: Rod Beckstrom <rod.beckstrom@xxxxxxxxx>
>>To: Alan Greenberg <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>, Heather Dryden
>>         <heather.dryden@xxxxxxxx>, "soac-discussion@xxxxxxxxx"
>>         <soac-discussion@xxxxxxxxx>
>>CC: Donna Austin <donna.austin@xxxxxxxxx>, Massimiliano Minisci
>>         <massimiliano.minisci@xxxxxxxxx>
>>Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2010 13:12:51 -0400
>>Subject: Re: [soac-discussion] FW: Communication with ACSO on the next
>>Dear Alan-
>>We have heard the ALAC concerns and agreed to move the 2 ALAC seats 
>>from the S&S RT to the Whois Review team, so the current framework 
>>allows for up to 3 GAC seats on Whois and 2 ALAC seats.
>>ALAC will now have one seat on the S&S, as will the GAC.
>>Many thanks,

At 28/07/2010 05:35 PM, Heather.Dryden@xxxxxxxx wrote:

>Dear Chairs/Vice-chairs,
>I am writing to inform you that Rod and I have agreed to the following
>composition of the two new Review Teams in order that this can be
>communicated to your respective constituencies.  We have endeavoured to
>align the identified priorities of the various constituencies with the
>composition of each Review Team.
>I understand that there will be a public announcement to follow.  Best,
>Security, Stability and Resiliency
>GAC Chair or Designate        1
>GAC                           1
>GNSO                          3
>ccNSO                         2
>ALAC                          1
>SSAC                          2
>RSSAC                         1
>ASO                           1
>Independent expert            2-3
>CEO                           1
>GAC Chair or Designate          1
>GAC                             3
>GNSO                            4
>ccNSO                           1
>ALAC                          2
>SSAC                          1
>ASO                           1
>Independent expert            2-3 (not seeking endorsement from an SO
>CEO                           1

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