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RE: [council] New AOB agenda item for 7 Jan

I am not very comfortable with this sort of thing, as I see a slippery slope
into chaos (along with cries of favoritism) if it is routinely allowed.
While the GAC/GNSO Nairobi agenda is certainly not a high priority nor
particularly deserving of expedited Council attention, I will not object to
this AOB agenda item if we have time to get to it.






From: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Stéphane Van Gelder
Sent: Monday, January 04, 2010 8:28 AM
To: GNSO Council
Subject: Fwd: [council] New AOB agenda item for 7 Jan 


Just a thought, not on the topic itself but on the issue of adding agenda
items after the cut-off date. I've discussed this privately with Olga and
Chuck and we all wonder if there is anyone on the Council that is
uncomfortable with including late agenda items such as this one? Although
everytime we've done this I've personally felt it was fully justified, I
wonder if everyone is OK with this?







Début du message réexpédié :

De : "Gomes, Chuck" <cgomes@xxxxxxxxxxxx>

Date : 3 janvier 2010 18:43:05 HNEC

À : "GNSO Council" <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>

Objet : [council] New AOB agenda item for 7 Jan 


I just received a message from Janis Karklins regarding the joint GAC/GNSO
meeting in Nairobi confirming the 5-6 pm slot on Sunday. He also proposed
the following two topics for discussion:


1. New gTLD policy implementation, including EoI

2. AoC


I know that we are already past our deadline for agenda finalization, but I
believe that would should initiate discussion on this on 7 Jan.  There will
be no action other than discussion regarding the following: 1) how we feel
about the two proposed topics; 2) whether we have any other topics we want
to suggest; 3) how should we proceed in preparing for the session with the


Glen - Please add the following to the 7 Jan agenda under AOB:


7.3 Joint Meeting with the GAC in Nairobi


7.3.1 Discussion re. GAC proposed topics: 1) New gTLD policy implementation,
including EoI; 2) AoC.


7.3.2 Other possible topics to propose to the GAC?


7.3.3 Discussion re. how we should prepare for the joint GAC/GNSO session.


Thanks, Chuck


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