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Re: [council] Priorities

Am I the only one for which the actual methodology for the work this group is doing remains a mystery.
Sorry if I'm being dense, I've seen some interesting proposals for  
models for prioritizing the Council's work, but I just don't  
understand how the group is going about integrating this into a  
working model.

Le 16 nov. 2009 à 13:34, Olga Cavalli a écrit :

the most important task is to develop a methodology to defining the action item categories and after that establishing priorities for these categories. This should be an ongoing process with feedback from the whole council.
You are welcome to join the working group.

2009/11/16 <KnobenW@xxxxxxxxxx>

is it just about developing a general (theoretical) method on how to prioritize any work which may come up, or does this group deal with concrete foreseeable tasks along which they are going to propose a priority list for the future work? I would be interested in doing the latter one.
Best regards

Von: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner- council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Olga Cavalli
Gesendet: Samstag, 14. November 2009 13:41
An: GNSO Council
Betreff: [council] Priorities

After the Seoul meeting, a small group of council members are working in developing a methodology for prioritizing GNSO work. If some of you may want to join the group please let me know, as we will organize an email list.
Best regards

Olga Cavalli, Dr. Ing.

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