[council] RAA Motion
Attached and copied below is a motion regarding the revised RAA for consideration of the Council in our 18 Dec meeting. Chuck RAA Motion for GNSO Council - 11 Dec 08 Whereas: * ICANN has undertaken a lengthy consultative process related to amending the Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA). * In response to community input via that process, ICANN Staff and the Registrars Constituency agreed on a set of proposed amendments to the Registry Registrar Agreement (RAA). * There is strong support for those agreed-to amendments, albeit many have suggested that the amendments should go further. * The current terms in the RAA date back to 1999 and many have needed revision for years. Resolve: * The GNSO Council asks Staff to work with registrars and the Council to define the most expeditious process for implementing the agreed-to proposed amendments to the RAA as soon as possible. * The GNSO Council will form a drafting team to review the superset of proposed RAA issues and amendments not addressed in the presently proposed and agreed-to amendments and develop a request for an Issues Report, including clear identification of the policy issues that are involved. Attachment:
RAA Motion for GNSO Council v1 - 11 Dec 08.doc