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Re: [council] Revised Community Travel Support Procedure for FY09

My understanding is that the budget is calculated 
based on a person-count, but that it could be 
spent other ways - for instance, 20 people could be funded at a 50% level.

At 14/08/2008 07:36 AM, Avri Doria wrote:


Now that this has been released, we need to determine rather soon, how
the available travel slots (10) for Cairo will be allocated.  Once the
bi-cameral  approach is approved, if it is, this might be easy, for
now we have 6 constituencies and 10 slots and that means they do not
divide equally.

 Some questions that need to be answered (there may be more):

- do all constituencies wish to take part in the allocation?

- should allocation be based on need?
- - if so how is need determined?
-- is self declaration of need sufficient?
-- and what if more then 10 indicate need?

- do individual council members request support or should the request
come from the constituency?

We may also want to provide feedback on the policy, but that is less
critical at this point then of making sure we have the names in time
for 60 days prior to the meeting.  My assumption is that we need to
provide our list of names by the end of August.


On 14 Aug 2008, at 05:54, Glen de Saint Géry wrote:

[To: council[at]gnso.icann.org; liaison6c[at]gnso.icann.org]
[To: ga[at]gnso.icann.org; announce[at]gnso.icann.org]
[To: regional-liaisons[at]icann.org]


Please note that ICANN Posts Revised Community Travel Support
Procedure for FY09

13 August 2008

The work to create a community travel support procedure began with a
specific call for travel support in late 2007 by some in the
community (though this issue has been discussed for some time).
There has been extensive consultation on community travel support.
It began as a workshop in Delhi, with comments received and an
analysis posted. Further, a draft was posted in June, discussed in
budget meetings in Paris, and again with fairly extensive comment in
person, via email and on the web. These second round of comments
were summarized and analyzed. This last summary is available at:


The revised Community Travel Support Procedure for FY09 document
strives to accommodate the community feedback. Of course, this is a
subject about which complete agreement is not possible. However,
there is strong agreement within the community that a procedure
exist that is documented, transparent, consistent, adhered-to, and
reviewed/revised for efficacy.

Comparing the final procedure with the draft discussed in Paris,
some key changes include:

- Guarantees travel support for NomCom-nominated counselors
- Stresses transparency in application and post-meeting reporting
- Allows for some flexibility in the allocation mechanism within a
SO without overburdening the Chair

The document strives to be complete without being overly-detailed.
This will leave many specific questions unanswered. ICANN staff will
develop and post a FAQ (frequently asked questions document) to
capture questions, and provide consistent answers to the entire
community. If you have questions, please send them to the ICANN
staff member with whom you work most closely, or send them to travel-support@xxxxxxxxx .
Staff will collect feedback on issues that arise in the first
implementation of this procedure, now through the Cairo meeting, and
Staff will make clarifications, as needed. Additionally, Staff will
conduct a complete review of the Community Travel Support Procedure
at year end with a public consultation at the June ICANN meeting,
and this will be an opportunity for RSSAC to provide additional
input if desired.

Glen de Saint Géry
GNSO Secretariat

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