[council] IPC Proposed Revised IGO DRP
All, Attached please find the IPC Proposed Revised IGO DRP, which was approved by the IPC at its meeting this morning. Attached also for reference is a redline against the IGO DRP that was contained in the 28 September 2007 staff report. The IPC believes that its proposed revised IGO DRP remedies the aspects of the original IGO DRP that were previously identified as being of concern. The IPC proposed revised IGO DRP does not address - and was not intended to address - the process by which an IGO DRP would become applicable to existing gTLDs. Once (or if) it does become applicable to existing gTLDs, the proposed changes reflect a mechanism that is believed to treat existing gTLD registrants fairly. Kristina <<11282007 IPC Proposed Revised IGO DRP.DOC>> <<Redline IPC Proposed Revised IGO DRP against Original.DOC>> Attachment:
11282007 IPC Proposed Revised IGO DRP.DOC Attachment:
Redline IPC Proposed Revised IGO DRP against Original.DOC