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RE: [council] Regarding working group membership

Hello Ross,

> Until such time that the constituencies can provide the 
> diversity of input that our processes require, we should 
> seriously consider implementing a temporary framework that 
> would allow for greater participation in the working groups 
> and task forces without the high bar that qualifying as an 
> expert (or creating a new constituency) requires in 
> situations where a stakeholder has applied for membership in 
> a constituency, but does not qualify due to the narrow 
> qualification criteria employed by a constituency.

I have had the opportunity to discuss this idea with a few people in
Marina Del Ray (but unfortunately didn't get time for a wider discussion
with the whole group).

I note that with the new gTLD committee we have supported the
participation of observers in the physical meetings including listening
to their views on issues.   

I therefore recommend the following:

"Observers: Observers shall not be members of or entitled to vote on the
working group, but otherwise shall be entitled to participate on equal
footing with members of the working group.   In particular observers
will be able to join the mailing list, and attend teleconferences or
physical meetings."

To guard against some of the behaviour that can occur with unregulated
mailing lists, observers must provide their real name, organisation (if
associated with an organisation) and contact details to the GNSO
secretariat, and the GNSO secretariat will verify at least their email
address and phone contact information.   Observers will also be
requested to provide a public statement of interest, as for working
group members.

Where a person joins an already established working group, this will be
on the basis that it is their responsibility to read the existing
documents, listen to teleconference recordings, and read the mailing
list discussions before commenting on topics that have already been
dealt with by the working group.

Note that staff should still encourage participants to join one of the
established GNSO constituencies where the observer appears to meet the
criteria for membership.

Please let me know if you have any issues or changes to make on this
suggestion over the next 7 days, otherwise I will direct staff to allow
observers.  This will be fairly consistent with how we have handled
liaisons in the past. 

 E.g From the ICANN bylaws:

"There may also be two liaisons to the GNSO Council, one appointed by
each of the Governmental Advisory Committee and the At-Large Advisory
Committee from time to time, who shall not be members of or entitled to
vote on the GNSO Council, but otherwise shall be entitled to participate
on equal footing with members of the GNSO Council. "

Bruce Tonkin

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