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Re: [council] Proposed simplified WHOIS motion for 20 July 2006

On 19 jul 2006, at 12.43, Marilyn Cade wrote:

My question is : Is Bruce's interpretation, now in the said PowerPoint the
agreed position of the Council?

You can imagine that given my Constituency's interests, views, and needs, that we want and support a broader interpretation. However, I respect that it is important to have agreement with other Councilors and achieve as much
agreement on what is meant and supporter, or not, as possible.

For example, members of the GAC saw the PowerPoint and may view the
interpretation, since it had the chair's name and title on it, as Council

It was broader then my understanding and that is the reason I sent my note to this list quibbling with that as the interpretation of the agreed upon purpose. I took Bruce's message as an statement of what he, and perhaps his constituency, took to be the implications of the language. But I was concerned that this would become a blessed interpretation of the language, as comforting as it might be to some.

Personally I think the words should stand as proposed and voted upon, as that is the nature of agreed language. Language is always interpretable and I believe one must use the agreed language without further official interpretation. Interpretation must be done as part in implementation and then must be done in connection with other agreed language such as mission and values, and under the constraint of law.


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