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[council] FW: Board seat

  • To: <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [council] FW: Board seat
  • From: <tony.ar.holmes@xxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2006 08:21:58 +0100
  • Cc: <alick.wilson@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcaFO96kNgy4l83MSJKDVLPgGHRj+QADrX6g
  • Thread-topic: Board seat

Fellow Councillors


Most you know Alick Wilson from his time on the council. Although no
longer a member of council Alick maintains a key interest and it appears
timely to share his thoughts below, particularly with the demands and
expectations of the GNSO increasing at a fast pace due to the heavy work
program we are facing.





-----Original Message-----
From: Alick Wilson [mailto:alick.wilson@xxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: 01 June 2006 06:26
To: Marilyn Cade; Holmes,AR,Tony,CXM R
Subject: Board seat


As you know, while I am no longer a member of GNSO Council, I have an
ongoing interest in GNSO and ICANN.


As I told the LSE team at some length and with numerous examples, many
of the things about GNSO that need fixing are beyond the authority of
GNSO Council to fix; they require authority from the Board and/or action
by the staff. I suggest that the candidates be asked their position on
this and whether they intend to press for Board and staff action.


I suggest that the GNSO Board appointee needs to be someone who has the
commitment, drive and ability to influence change within ICANN, for the
benefit of ICANN generally and specifically, to improve the way GNSO
operates. I suggest candidates be asked about their commitment and
ability to influence change, and what changes they think are required.


Please feel free to post this to Council list.





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