[council] New draft ToR for PDP on contractual conditions for existing gTLDs
Dear Council members, As agreed, I have modified the ToR in line with the discussions at the Council call 16 February, with most valued help from other staff attending the call. See attachment. I have used the paragraph wordings supplied to the list by Ross and Bruce (taking the latest submission in one case when both had provided slightly different texts) and staff notes for a couple of other agreed changes. I must emphasize that the exact outcome was not always crystal clear so please consider the new draft carefully. Also, regarding Marilyn's recent mail, the expression "privacy rights" remains in 5a, but I do share Marilyn's concern that this expression may be amiss. It is probably not "intellectual property rights" we're looking for either and it may be appropriate to use a more explicit sentence to capture the gist of what is intended. Best regards Olof Attachment:
Draft Terms of Reference version 2.doc