[council] Advertisement of the Call for Papers for the PDP on new gTLDs
Dear all, FYI - In order to promote the Call for Papers regarding new gTLDs, advertisements will appear in international press as follows: Thursday 12 January: Wall Street Journal (all editions, i.e. US, Europe and Asia), International Herald Tribune Friday 13 January: The Economist, Financial Times, Business Day The FT ad is attached. The text is the same for the other ads, but layout/format varies somewhat depending on the requirements and specifications of the respective publications. Best regards Olof ----------------------------------------- Olof Nordling Manager, Policy Development Coordination ICANN 6 Rond Point Schuman, Bt.5 B-1040 Brussels, Belgium Tel.: +32.2.234 7872 Mobile: +32.475.420805 Fax: +32.2.234 7848 E-mail: olof.nordling@xxxxxxxxx <http://www.icann.org> www.icann.org Attachment: