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[council] Providing input into policy development and/or forming a new GNSO constituency

  • To: <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [council] Providing input into policy development and/or forming a new GNSO constituency
  • From: "Bruce Tonkin" <Bruce.Tonkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 4 Dec 2005 06:57:12 +1100
  • Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcX4Q8AmvycIyLd9QvabybQ0DIP06w==
  • Thread-topic: Providing input into policy development and/or forming a new GNSO constituency

Hello All,

A few comments have arisen this week that there is no ability for some
users to participate in the GNSO policy development process.

There are two aspects:

(1) Providing input and becoming involved in discussions on a topic

(2) Having a vote on the Council (or task forces) with respect to
approving any recommendations

I think we need to give consideration to (1) for how to better
facilitate input and discussions.   The GNSO public forums have been one
initiative in recent meetings to encourage more participation.
Up-to-date our main approach has been to involve ALAC liaisons at the
Council and in task forces, and rely on public comments submitted to the
ICANN website after a formal call for comments.

With respect to (2) there is a documented mechanism in the ICANN bylaws
where any group can request the creation of a constituency.

The relevant quotes from the ICANN bylaws are:

"...self-organized Constituencies are hereby recognized as
representative of a specific and significant group of stakeholders"

"Each Constituency ...... shall maintain its recognition, and thus its
ability to select GNSO Council representatives, only so long as it in
fact represents the interests globally of the stakeholder communities it
purports to represent, and shall operate to the maximum extent feasible
in an open and transparent manner and consistent with procedures
designed to ensure fairness. No individual or entity shall be excluded
from participation in a Constituency merely because of participation in
another Constituency. "

"Any group of individuals or entities may petition the Board for
recognition as a new or separate Constituency. Any such petition shall
contain a detailed explanation of:

a. Why the addition of such a Constituency will improve the ability of
the GNSO to carry out its policy-development responsibilities; and 

b. Why the proposed new Constituency would adequately represent, on a
global basis, the stakeholders it seeks to represent.

Any petition for the recognition of a new Constituency shall be posted
for public comment. "

Bruce Tonkin

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