Re: [council] Vancouver draft schedule
I find it odd that the ICANN public forum is being held between the GNSO Public Forum and the GNSO Council meeting. Would it be possible to request that the timeslot for the GNSO PF and the ICANN PF be switched? It would allow the GNSO Council and the GNSO community greater continuity in our meeting. GNSO.SECRETARIAT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote: [To:council[at]] Dear All,This is just to give you a rough orientation. Attached please find a skeleton plan of meetings that are particularly related to the GNSO. I do not have the names of all the rooms nor do I have confirmation of times, but as soon as they become available I will fill them in and make adjustments.See the agendas for the GNSO Council meeting and the joint Board meeting on Monday 28 November at the end of the e-mail.A separate list of the documents that will be waiting for you in Vancouver will follow on the council list.Thanks and safe trips! Kind regards Glen Glen de Saint Géry GNSO Secretariat - ICANN gnso.secretariat[at] glen[at] GNSO Council meeting in Vancouver 28 November 2005 9:00 to 12:00 local time Item 1: Approval of minutes - GNSO Council teleconference - 13 October 2005 - GNSO Council teleconference - 20 October 2005 Item 2: Staff action items - list of current GNSO work items - update from Glen on Vancouver meeting schedule Item 3: Election of GNSO Council chair - Bruce Tonkin has been nominated and seconded - term from 18 Nov 2005 until one month after 2005 AGM (4 Jan 2006) Item 4: Evaluation of new gtlds (.biz, .info etc as well as .travel, .jobs. .mobi etc) - update on questions to structure the evaluation Item 5: Policy Development Process for new gtlds - discuss issues report - decide whether to commence a PDP Item 6: Policy development for IDNs - discuss background document - decide whether to formally request an issues report section 1 - Raising an Issue section 2 - Creation of the Issue Report Item 7: WHOIS: Final Recommendation regarding handling conflicts between a registrar/registry's legal obligations under privacy laws and their contractual obligations to ICANN - vote on final recommendation as completed by the WHOIS task force on 19 Oct Item 8: WHOIS task force - progress on purpose and definitions of contacts Item 9: Update on GNSO strategic plan Item 10: Update on GNSO operational plan Item 11: Any other business GNSO Council/ICANN Board meeting in Vancouver 28 November 2005 14:00 to 17:00 local time 1 GNSO Council work plan for November 2005 to March 2006 (60% of meeting time) 1.1 Evaluation of initial introduction of new gtlds, including: .biz, .info, .name, .coop, .aero, .museum, .coop, .jobs, .travel, .mobi 1.2 Policy Development Process (PDP) for new ASCII gTLDs, including: - whether to create new ASCII gTLDs - what criteria to apply to new ASCII gTLD applications - what allocation method to use to prioritise applications - what conditions should apply to new gTLD operators 1.3 Policy Development Process for IDN based gTLDs (in collaboration with the ccNSO) - examples of issues include: - whether existing ASCII gTLD operator should also be able to operate a IDN version of the ASCII strong. If so, should a name.ASCII resolve to the same Internet location as name.IDN - should an new IDN gTLD operator be able to compete directly against an existing ASCII gTLD operator by choosing a string with exactly the same meaning (e.g .travel in Chinese). If so, how do we ensure that the implement is secure (ie two domain names with apparently the same meaning, but with different destinations). 1.4 WHOIS policy 2 GNSO work program for April 2006 to November 2006 (20% of meeting time) - further work on the above where necessary e.g IDN based gTLD pilot project - e.g compliance/enforcement policies 3 GNSO strategic planning for Nov 2006 to Nov 2008 (20% of meeting time) - this item will build on the work done by Patrick Sharry with the Council in Luxembourg on identifying some of the strategic policy issues for the GNSO - policy implications of DNSSEC - policy implications of use of DNS to support voice over IP applications and more advanced instant messaging applications I welcome any suggested changes to the agenda. Regards, Bruce Tonkin