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[council] Reducing echo on the conference call

  • To: <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [council] Reducing echo on the conference call
  • From: "Bruce Tonkin" <Bruce.Tonkin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 6 May 2004 21:56:22 +1000
  • Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcQzYPes/2yKJOkDQ5yOjLrai5cvvg==
  • Thread-topic: Reducing echo on the conference call

Hello All,

As we are quite a large group, the chances of hearing echos on the
teleconference line increase.

If you choose to use a speaker phone, please also mute the line when you
are not speaking.
Entering touch-tone no.6 will turn mute on/off.

Also if you are calling from a cellphone/mobilephone, please mute the
line when you are not speaking.

This will help make the discussion easier to hear.


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