In preparation for the EPDP Team’s face-to-face meeting in Toronto, each EPDP Team member was asked to review all public comments received through the use of the
public comment review tool
. The Leadership Team proposed to divide the Team into two small, representative teams in order to efficiently get through the recommendations with the most support per the public comment responses.
The Small Teams were specifically asked to: (1) prepare updated language if it believed the public comments highlighted a necessary change; (2) provide a rationale if it believed no change was warranted; or (3) highlight issues needing full Team discussion and using discussion summary tool to compile concerns. These documents were then reviewed in plenary in Toronto.
During the F2F meeting, the following recommendation received the general support of the EPDP Team and will be included in Final Report:
- Purpose 2 – Maintaining SSR through enabling of lawful access
- Purpose 3 – Enable communication with RNH
- Purpose 4 – Safeguarding RNH’s Registration Data
- Purpose 5 – Handling Contractual Compliance
- Purpose 6 – Resolution of DRPs
- Purpose 7 – Registry Validation Requirements
- Recommendation 2 – Commitment to consider a system for Standardized Access to non-public Registration Data
- Recommendation 15 – URS / UDRP
- Recommendation 16 - Instructions for RPM PDP WG
- Recommendation 17 - - Input from RPM PDP WG to inform subsequent access discussion
- Recommendation 18 - Data processing agreements with dispute resolution providers
- Recommendation 19 - Transfer Policy
- Recommendation 20 - Input to Transfer Policy review
- Recommendation 21 - Data processing agreements with non-Contracted Party entities involved in registration data processing
Additionally, the Team agreed, in principle, on:
- Principles for redaction of Registrant Org field
- Principles for redaction of Registrant Email field
Independent legal counsel attended the F2F meeting and responded to several questions and inquiries made by the EPDP team.