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[registrars] Re: [Ext] Re: RRA Amendment Request Notification for .global

  • To: Graeme Bunton <gbunton@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [registrars] Re: [Ext] Re: RRA Amendment Request Notification for .global
  • From: Krista Papac <krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 18:53:20 +0000
  • Accept-language: en-US
  • Cc: "registrars@xxxxxxxxx" <registrars@xxxxxxxxx>, "contact@nic.global" <contact@nic.global>, Jennifer Gore <jennifer.gore@xxxxxxxxx>, Tom Iacobucci <tom.iacobucci@xxxxxxxxx>, Aysegul Tekce <aysegul.tekce@xxxxxxxxx>, "Krista Papac" <krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx>
  • In-reply-to: <97195bc3-cfc7-871e-de33-2f7c6f82c1fa@tucows.com>
  • List-id: registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • References: <8645C3BF-D520-45BB-A4F4-CFCD02A58149@icann.org> <cb72aa8b-f459-aaea-f871-bc94e669dae5@tucows.com> <924ABF93-F5BB-4D3B-9B47-A0A6FB4EC5A6@icann.org> <97195bc3-cfc7-871e-de33-2f7c6f82c1fa@tucows.com>
  • Sender: owner-registrars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AQHSVo4u3UKZa3cXH067Q8TpUWy2uKELibEAgCOodgCAAc5iAIAF7vEA
  • Thread-topic: [Ext] Re: RRA Amendment Request Notification for .global
  • User-agent: Microsoft-MacOutlook/f.1d.0.161209

Dear Graeme Bunton,


On 14 December 2016, ICANN sent the attached RRA Amendment requests to the RrSG.


Per the RRA Amendment Procedure, ICANN has since approved the request.


Kind regards,




Krista Papac

Director, Registry Services & Engagement

ICANN – Global Domains Division


o: +1 310 578 8937

m: +1 714 756 0201

e: krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx


12025 Waterfront Avenue, Suite 300

Los Angeles, CA 90094




From: Graeme Bunton <gbunton@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Monday, January 9, 2017 at 8:16 AM
To: Krista Papac <krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "registrars@xxxxxxxxx" <registrars@xxxxxxxxx>, "contact@nic.global" <contact@nic.global>, Jennifer Gore <jennifer.gore@xxxxxxxxx>, Tom Iacobucci <tom.iacobucci@xxxxxxxxx>, Aysegul Tekce <aysegul.tekce@xxxxxxxxx>, Cyrus Namazi <cyrus.namazi@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [Ext] Re: RRA Amendment Request Notification for .global


Hi Krista,

We've now had a chance to review the .global RRA, and the RrSG has chosen not to raise any concerns.

I will say though that the timing on these is important, and we've seen conflicts in the past specifically around amendments over the holidays.   It's not necessarily the case that we need to adjust policy to prevent submissions over that time period, but it does feel like we shouldn't have a single point of failure for communications on these.




On 2017-01-08 3:41 PM, Krista Papac wrote:

Hi Graeme,


Thank you for the request. I apologize for not responding sooner. I was out of office when the message came in and am just now coming across it. 


That said, we are looking into this request and will be back to the RrSG in the short term with a response.





Krista Papac

Director, Registry Services & Engagement

ICANN – Global Domains Division


o: +1 310 578 8937

m: +1 714 756 0201

e: krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx


12025 Waterfront Avenue, Suite 300

Los Angeles, CA 90094




From: Graeme Bunton <gbunton@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Friday, December 16, 2016 at 12:09 PM
To: Krista Papac <krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx>
Cc: "registrars@xxxxxxxxx" <registrars@xxxxxxxxx>, "contact@nic.global" <contact@nic.global>, Jennifer Gore <jennifer.gore@xxxxxxxxx>, Tom Iacobucci <tom.iacobucci@xxxxxxxxx>, Aysegul Tekce <aysegul.tekce@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [Ext] Re: RRA Amendment Request Notification for .global


Hi All,

The RrSG and our RRA Review Committee is down members because of the holiday season.  We would like to please request that the RrSG be given until the 11th to review the below amendment.

Thank you,



On 2016-12-14 11:46 PM, Krista Papac wrote:

Dear Graeme Bunton, 


Attached, please find the cover letter and red-lined RRA for the .global TLD submitted by Dot GLOBAL AS to be shared with your Stakeholder Group.


Per the RRA Amendment Procedure, the RrSG has up to 21 days to review the proposed changes. If the registrars have concerns, please advise ICANN by responding to this message no later than 23:59 UTC on 04 January 2016. If there is no response by this time, ICANN will assume there are no concerns and will continue processing the request. If the RrSG responds with concerns, ICANN will continue to the next step of the RRA Amendment Procedure which is to consult with the RrSG and the Registry Operator.


If you have any further inquiries, please let me know.


Kind regards,



Krista Papac

Director, Registry Services & Engagement

ICANN – Global Domains Division


o: +1 310 578 8937

m: +1 714 756 0201

e: krista.papac@xxxxxxxxx


12025 Waterfront Avenue, Suite 300

Los Angeles, CA 90094



Graeme Bunton
Manager, Management Information Systems
Manager, Public Policy
Tucows Inc.
PH: 416 535 0123 ext 1634 

Graeme Bunton
Manager, Management Information Systems
Manager, Public Policy
Tucows Inc.
PH: 416 535 0123 ext 1634 

Attachment: 01 dotGlobal_RRAAmendmentcoverletter_Oct2016.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: 02 dotGlobal_RRA_v3.0_proposed_redline_20161027.docx
Description: Microsoft Office

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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