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[dow3tf] Task Force 3: draft minutes of teleconference: December 17, 2003

  • To: "3DOW3tf" <dow3tf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [dow3tf] Task Force 3: draft minutes of teleconference: December 17, 2003
  • From: "GNSO SECRETARIAT" <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2003 16:10:19 +0100
  • Importance: Normal
  • Reply-to: <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-dow3tf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

[To: dow3tf[at]gnso.icann.org]

Attached please find very rough draft minutes/notes from the task force 3
teleconference held on December 17, 2003.

Please let me know what you would like added or changed before they are
published on the website.

Thank you very much.

GNSO Secretariat.
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<p align="center"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>WHOIS Task Force 
  3 Teleconference December 17 - Minutes</b></font></p>
<p><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">ATTENDEES:<br>
<p><b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">GNSO Constituency representatives:<br>
  </font></b><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"> Intellectual Property 
  Interests Constituency - Brian Darville - Chair:<br>
  Registrars Constituency - Ross Rader<br>
  Commercial and Business Users constituency - Marilyn Cade, Sarah Deutsch<br>
  Intellectual Property Interests Constituency - Terry Clark<br>
  At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) liaisons: Thomas Roessler (for Vittorio Bertola)<br>
  <b>ICANN Staff Manager</b>: Barbara Roseman<br>
  </font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>GNSO Secretariat:</b> Glen 
  de Saint G&eacute;ry <br>
  <b>Absent: </b></font><br>
  <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Internet Service Providers and connectivity 
  providers Constituency</font> - <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Greg 
  <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">gTLD Registries constituency: - Ken 
  Stubbs <br>
  Non Commercial Users constituency - Frannie Wellings<br>
  Intellectual Property Interests Constituency - Kiyoshi Tsuru<br>
  At-Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) liaisons: - Vittorio Bertola<br>
  <b>MP3 recordings:</b></font></p>
<p><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><b>Barbara Roseman</b> informed the 
  participants that MP3 recordings were made of each call but that it was up to 
  the task force to decide whether the recordings should be published on the website 
  and kept or deleted after the minutes were written.<br>
  <b>Brian Darville</b> suggested voting on the subject at a meeting when there 
  would be a larger participation.<br>
  Barbara Roseman</b> reminded the task force that a timeframe was needed to present 
  to the GNSO Council.<br>
  <b>Ross Rader</b> would be responsible for drawing up a questionnaire to send 
  out to registrars to collect information on the current techniques that registrars 
  use to verify that the data collected is correct. <br>
  Definition of &quot;service provider&quot;: Those people registering the volume 
  of domain names. Verification within a system, what the strengths and weaknesses 
  would be.<br>
  <b>Sarah Deutsch</b> proposed collecting information from and circulating references 
  to the list on the ENUM verification process, commercial sites that deal with 
  fraud issues such as credit card companies, online option sites, such as Amazon 
  and Ebay that have standards to prevent fraud through logical verification and 
  other tools, and some UN agencies dedicated to collect and standardize business 
  and geographical information to facilitate international trade.<br>
  <b>Terry Clark, Sarah Deutsch and Brian Darville</b> would be responsible for 
  collecting publicly available information on the techniques used by other online 
  service providers to verify that data collected is correct, as well as information 
  on the price of services offered by the online service provider.<br>
  <b>December 24, 2003 - Dissemination by ICANN of all WHOIS Workshop materials 
  related to Task Force 3's milestones and tasks. </b><br>
  <b>Brian Darville</b> raised the issue of experts and enquired whether they 
  would be remunerated or volunteers.<br>
  <b>Marilyn Cade,</b> referring to the history of the policy development process, 
  stated that the idea was to invite experts to participate to advise as expertise 
  which lay outside of the GNSO Council members and the ICANN staff was considered 
  important in some cases. The idea of compensating experts did not arise. However, 
  as an observer, she commented that thought should be given to the issue of some 
  paid work being done. The expectations of the amount of work needed to be done 
  were unrealistic. Data gathering could be done by an independent single person 
  and used by all 3 task forces.<br>
  The suggested procedure to follow would be for the task force to determine if 
  an expert would be appropriate to use in the task force work, motivate the request, 
  determine the costs, make a recommendation to the GNSO Council and request the 
  GNSO Council to support a request to ICANN for the resources.<br>
  The group noted that there was a strong feeling from those on the task force 
  call that experts to assist with the task force work were necessary.<br>
  December 31, 2003 - Prepare list of contacts for data verification practices 
  December 31, 2003 - Prepare draft of questions for contacts <br>
  December 31, 2003 - ICANN Staff to provide (available) data verification data 
  and protocols from ccTLDs <br>
  December 31, 2003 - Prepare questions for Registrars regarding current practices 
  January 5, 2003 - Send questions to Registrars <br>
  January 5, 2003 - Finalize list of contacts for data verification practices 
  January 5, 2003 - Finalize questions for contacts and begin survey <br>
  January 15, 2003 - Analyze responses from Registrars<br>
  January 26, 2003 - Conclude survey of contacts <br>
  February 2, 2003 - Prepare interim report on survey of Registrars and outside 
  sources <br>
  February 23, 2003 - Constituency statements due <br>
  March 16, 2003 - Prepare Preliminary Report including constituency statements 
  and policy recommendations <br>
  March 17, 2003 - Open public comment period for 20 days <br>
  April 6, 2003 - Public Comment Period Closes <br>
  April 20, 2003 - Prepare Final report for GNSO Council <br>
  <b>Brian Darville</b> proposed refining the schedule to present to the GNSO 
  </font><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><br>
  <b>Brian Darville thanked everyone for their presence and participation and 
  ended the call at 16:30 UTC.<br>
  </b> <b>Next call: Wednesday 24 December</b> <b>15:00 UTC, 10:00 EST, 7:00 Los 
  Angeles, 16:00 CET.<br>

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