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[council] FW: RAPWG GNSO Council update for July 23

  • To: "'Council GNSO'" <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [council] FW: RAPWG GNSO Council update for July 23
  • From: "Mike Rodenbaugh" <icann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 23 Jul 2009 08:58:51 -0700
  • List-id: council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Organization: Rodenbaugh Law
  • Reply-to: <icann@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AcoLE+uhNlJQRzkzTJGMOeeiwwfhrgAmlJlg

Below is an update from the Chair of the RAP-WG, fyi.  I'm happy to try to
answer any questions during our Council call today.


Mike Rodenbaugh
Rodenbaugh Law
548 Market Street
San Francisco, CA  94104


-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Aaron [mailto:gaaron@xxxxxxxxxxxx] 
Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 2:33 PM
To: 'Mike Rodenbaugh'
Subject: RAPWG GNSO Council update for July 23

Dear Mike:


I hear there is a Council meeting tomorrow.  If a RAPWG update is needed, I


*       Since Sydney, the group has discussed four areas: Cybersquatting,
Malware/Botnet Control, Name Spinning, and Contract Uniformity.
Cybersquatting, Malware/Botnet Control, and Contract Uniformity have been
assigned to subgroups of volunteers, who are responsible for developing
background data and statements, which will become sections of the WG's
Initial Report.  Wikis have been set up so that each subgroup can develop
its content.
*       The group has been discussing whether or not it should, because of
past GNSO efforts and the six WHOIS study questions that were recently
commissioned, leave WHOIS off its list of registration abuses for major
examination.  There is currently discussion of whether the group should
include WHOIS proxy contact issues as a topic for examination.  When it is
ready, the group plans to send a note to Council about its discussions re:
*       As work on the above topics proceeds, the RAPWG is moving on to
examine others; next on the list is front-running.  A full list of topics
for upcoming discussion is in the latest "RAPWG Abuse Categories and Types"
document at:
*       The RAPWG's chair has reminded the group that it owes the Council
updates as to its schedule outlook.  As it is unclear which or how many
topics the group will ultimately write about, the group has not yet settled
on a date for issuing an Initial Report.  Further discussion of scheduling
will take place.


All best,





Greg Aaron

Director, Key Account Management and Domain Security


vox: +1.215.706.5700 x104

fax: 1.215.706.5701



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