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[council] New ALAC Liaison to the GNSO Council Members

  • To: "'Council GNSO'" <council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Subject: [council] New ALAC Liaison to the GNSO Council Members
  • From: "Bret Fausett" <bfausett@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 10:52:32 -0800
  • Cc: <alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx>, "'GNSO.SECRETARIAT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <alac@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Thread-index: AccaMNm7WS5GKaxIRjODszqP7+3nyQ==

Dear Council Members,

I am very pleased to introduce to you to Alan Greenberg, the ALAC's newly
elected liaison to the GNSO Council. Alan was appointed to the ALAC by this
year's Nominating Committee. For those of you who have not met him this
week, Alan's bio from the Nominating Committee process follows below. Please
welcome him to the GNSO. I know he will be a productive, thoughtful
contributor to the Council's work and the ALAC. 

Glen, can you please add Alan to the relevant mailing lists
(alan.greenberg@xxxxxxxxx) and to the GNSO web site, where appropriate?

Many thanks. I will help transition the ALAC Liaison role to Alan by
bringing him up to date on the ongoing work, but I know he will appreciate
the advice and assistance of all of you as well.

Best regards,


Alan Greenberg, ALAC (North America)

Alan Greenberg has forty years of experience with computing and networking
technologies. For much of his career, he worked for McGill University in
Montreal, Canada. Over the years, this included software design and
development, education technology support, management and policy
development. He played critical roles in building the Internet and its
precursors in Canada. He also taught courses in computer architecture and
design. He retired from the position of Director of Computing and
Telecommunications at McGill in late 1999.

Beginning in 1995, on a volunteer basis, he participated in and then managed
workshops which taught personnel from 150 developing countries how to build,
support, manage and use the Internet in their countries.

Since his retirement from McGill, he has been an independent consultant
focusing on the effective use of technology in developing countries. Recent
projects have included: the use of technology in education; how to
effectively spread the use of technology to benefit the country and its
people; and a study of the linkages between technology and poverty, and how
technologies can be effectively used for poverty alleviation.

Throughout his career, a primary focus has been the empowerment of people
through the use of technology.

Mr. Greenberg holds a BSc degree in Mathematics and Physics, and an MSc in
Computer Science, both from McGill University. 

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