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Re: [council] Proposed WHOIS motion for 20 July 2006-- focus on agreeing to resolution first

On 17 jul 2006, at 11.53, Marilyn Cade wrote:

I ask
that we put a 'hold' on distributing further reports to the Council until we
get agreement on the Resolution and the associated work plan,

I appreciate the delviery of reports to the council (though I prefer to get them by means other then email - but that is beside the point) and especially appreciate the delivery of something as relevant as the Centr Whois report. I think the more info we have to peruse the better. And it is not necessary that everyone read everything, i can't do it either, but I do believe that it is better that we all have the opportunity to read everything we wish to read.

I certainly don't want to suggest that Marilyn's mailbox be filled with unwanted documents (that would be to advocate spam). But I would like to suggest that documents continue to be made available to those who wish to read them. This can be done either through the use of Shinkuro, or though a web archive.



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