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RE: [council] RE: GNSO Review

  • To: Grant.Forsyth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, liz.williams@xxxxxxxxx
  • Subject: RE: [council] RE: GNSO Review
  • From: "Marilyn Cade" <marilynscade@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 02 Aug 2005 21:24:23 -0400
  • Cc: gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • In-reply-to: <54F5AEE2A110BF489CB8401673266337170D82BE@takaex01.clear.co.nz>
  • Sender: owner-council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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<P>Actually, Grant, excellent role model. </P>
<P>I had suggested to Liz that we shoudl all be into transparency, but hadn't' "modeled" 
that behavior as well as you have. I will post my exchanges with Liz to the Council list and leave it to 
Liz to post her responses. I do agree that we should all remember and model through our behavior that 
transparency is key to ICANN's success. As I said to Liz, ....of course. people&nbsp; can choose to 
have private and off the record converstaions, but those have limited application in an approach to 
assessing the SO. I say that and recognize that not all cultures are comfortable with having their names 
attached to their comments. Still, the comments have to be public, even if they are anonymized. </P>
<P>However, I'll share my comments to the list in the interest of transparency. marilyn<BR><BR></P><BR><BR><BR>&gt;From: Grant FORSYTH &lt;Grant.Forsyth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;<BR>&gt;To: Liz Williams &lt;liz.williams@xxxxxxxxx&gt;<BR>&gt;CC: "GNSO.SECRETARIAT@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx" &lt;gnso.secretariat@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx&gt;,&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;council@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx<BR>&gt;Subject: [council] RE: GNSO Review<BR>&gt;Date: Wed, 03 Aug 2005 09:28:05 +1200<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Hi Liz<BR>&gt;Thank you for contacting me for some early input to the development of the<BR>&gt;TOR.<BR>&gt;While you have noted that you would not forward my responses and would<BR>&gt;'anonymise' (is there such a word?) my thoughts, I am more comfortable<BR>&gt;responding transparently through Council and would wish that other<BR>&gt;Councillors (and I understand that you have approached [all?] other<BR>&gt;Councillors, which I think is correct) respond transparently. Transparency<BR>&gt;is important to the GNSO.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;I have one significant suggestion at this time and that is for another<BR>&gt;'section' or 'dimension' to add to the four that you have proposed.<BR>&gt;I think it is crucial that in gathering data, asking questions, analysing<BR>&gt;and making recommendations, that this is done in a clear and agreed<BR>&gt;understanding of the purpose of the GNSO given ICANN's mission, core values<BR>&gt;(eg bottom up, consensus based policy development) and commitments (eg MOU).<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;I think it would be desirable to have such a fulsome purpose<BR>&gt;statement/description agreed by Council, going into the review.<BR>&gt;If you could draft such a statement supported by references, that would be<BR>&gt;most useful.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;In the mean time, I will give further thought to the other dimensions that<BR>&gt;you have proposed be the framework for data gathering.<BR>&gt;(Have I got it right as to what your 4 sections are?)<BR>&gt;Regards<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Grant Forsyth<BR>&gt;Manager Industry &amp; Regulatory Affairs<BR>&gt;TelstraClear<BR>&gt;Cnr Taharoto &amp; Northcote Roads<BR>&gt;Private Bag 92143<BR>&gt;AUCKLAND<BR>&gt;ph +64 9 912 5759<BR>&gt;fx + 64 9 912 4077<BR>&gt;Mb 029 912 5759<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;-----Original Message-----<BR>&gt;From: Liz Williams [mailto:liz.williams@xxxxxxxxx]<BR>&gt;Sent: Tuesday, 02 August, 2005 00:44<BR>&gt;To: Grant FORSYTH<BR>&gt;Subject: GNSO Review<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Grant<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;You will have seen Bruce's note about the GNSO review -- I am going to be<BR>&gt;responsible for putting that together from the ICANN side.&nbsp;&nbsp;I am collecting<BR>&gt;some initial thoughts and would appreciate your input.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Just to recap the timing first.&nbsp;&nbsp;We have to have ready for the VCR Board<BR>&gt;meeting the Terms of Reference that will then trigger the review to take<BR>&gt;place in early 2006.&nbsp;&nbsp;The exact timing is yet to be established but, based<BR>&gt;on instructions from JJ, I will need to have the report ready one month<BR>&gt;prior to Nov 30 to enable sufficient time to get the Board their proper<BR>&gt;papers.&nbsp;&nbsp;That means we have August, Sept and Oct to get initial thoughts,<BR>&gt;first draft and final draft ready.&nbsp;&nbsp;I will prepare a project map in the next<BR>&gt;couple of days that will include all these critical dates.&nbsp;&nbsp;I will circulate<BR>&gt;that when we have the early thoughts phase completed.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;As you know, the review is required by the by-laws and the LUX board<BR>&gt;resolution which means that we can use input from all kinds of sources to<BR>&gt;inform the questions which need answering.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;I have put below the four sections into which I'm organizing early thoughts.<BR>&gt;Your input into any or all of those sections gratefully received.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;1. Operational - most objective of the categories.&nbsp;&nbsp;Based on facts and<BR>&gt;figures about voting patterns, trends, participation rates, numbers, types<BR>&gt;and kinds of meetings.&nbsp;&nbsp; (Glen is helping me here and we have just completed<BR>&gt;our conversation)<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;2. Effectiveness --&nbsp;&nbsp;partly objective/partly subjective.&nbsp;&nbsp;Need to look<BR>&gt;at time lines for consideration of issues.&nbsp;&nbsp;Need to also consider, once<BR>&gt;policy is made, is it implemented easily, quickly.&nbsp;&nbsp;What compliance issues<BR>&gt;are there?&nbsp;&nbsp;What is balance between policy compliance and, for example, need<BR>&gt;for binding contract.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;3. Relationships - partly objective/partly subjective.&nbsp;&nbsp;Need to examine<BR>&gt;relationships with the board, with staff, with other SOs.&nbsp;&nbsp;Need to look at<BR>&gt;internal relationships within the structure of the GNSO (are the<BR>&gt;constituencies representative, transparent, effective at demonstrating<BR>&gt;positions/views/diversity of opinion).&nbsp;&nbsp;How does work get done; are the<BR>&gt;existing processes and procedures working and effective.&nbsp;&nbsp;What measures<BR>&gt;should we use to answer those questions?&nbsp;&nbsp; Need work here on identifying<BR>&gt;breakages in the system.&nbsp;&nbsp;For example, should there be closer/more<BR>&gt;supportive/more direct staff intervention?&nbsp;&nbsp;Should there be broader<BR>&gt;constituency membership to spread consultation mechanisms?<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;4. Perceptual - the most subjective of the four categories.&nbsp;&nbsp;Need<BR>&gt;questions around perceptions of inclusiveness, transparency, attitudes of<BR>&gt;external bodies \ and internal groupings like board, staff and other SOs.<BR>&gt;Measuring this (and then improving) is difficult but quite valuable.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;I am particularly interested, from your side, to hear about representation,<BR>&gt;plurality of views, openness of processes.&nbsp;&nbsp;I have been reviewing each of<BR>&gt;the GNSO constituencies to see how that is handled - each one is, of course,<BR>&gt;different!<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;At this early stage I am sharing these thoughts with Council members some of<BR>&gt;whom I've been able to catch by phone.&nbsp;&nbsp;I will then bring those responses<BR>&gt;together into a first draft.&nbsp;&nbsp;I am also using this model to seek views from<BR>&gt;the staff and others.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;I will not forward your responses and you can expect to see anonymised<BR>&gt;thoughts put into a more formal paper for public consumption a few weeks<BR>&gt;down the track.&nbsp;&nbsp;You can call me if you would prefer - numbers below.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Kind regards.<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Liz<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Liz Williams<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Senior Policy Counselor<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;ICANN - Brussels<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Tel:&nbsp;&nbsp;+32 2 234 7874<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Fax:&nbsp;&nbsp;+32 2 234 7848<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;Mob:&nbsp;&nbsp;+61 414 26 9000<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR>&gt;<BR></DIV></div></html>

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