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Minutes of the GNSO Council Meeting 15 January 2015

Last Updated:

Agenda and Documents

The Meeting started at 18:03 UTC:

List of attendees: NCA – Non Voting – Carlos Raúl Gutierrez
Contracted Parties House
Registrar Stakeholder Group: Volker Greimann, James Bladel – absent apologies proxy Thomas Rickert, Yoav Keren – absent apologies proxy Volker Greimann
gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group: Jonathan Robinson, Donna Austin, Bret Fausett
Nominating Committee Appointee (NCA): Thomas Rickert
Non-Contracted Parties House
Commercial Stakeholder Group (CSG): Gabriela Szlak, Susan Kawaguchi, Osvaldo Novoa, Tony Holmes, Brian Winterfeldt, Heather Forrest –absent, apologies, proxy to Brian Winterfeldt
Non-Commercial Stakeholder Group (NCSG): Amr Elsadr, Marilia Maciel, Edward Morris, Stephanie Perrin, Avri Doria, David Cake - absent, apologies, proxy to Avri Doria
Nominating Committee Appointee (NCA): Daniel Reed

GNSO Council Liaisons/Observers:
Cheryl Langdon Or – ALAC Liaison
Patrick Myles - ccNSO Observer - absent, apologies
Mason Cole – GNSO liaison to the GAC


David Olive - VP Policy Development
Marika Konings - Senior Policy Director
Rob Hoggarth - Senior Policy Director
Mary Wong – Senior Policy Director
Steve Chan – Policy Director
Lars Hoffmann – Policy Analyst
Glen de Saint Géry - GNSO Secretariat
Cory Schruth – Systems Engineer

MP3 Recording
Adobe Chat Transcript

Item 1: Administrative

1.1 Roll Call
1.2 Statement of interest updates
1.3 Review/amend agenda
1.4. Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting 11 December 2014 will be posted as approved on xxxxx 2015 per the GNSO Operating Procedures:

Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List

Arising from the Action List:

  • Expert Working Group (EWG)
    The Board/GNSO group met last week via phone call and are working through the issues trying to determine which ones would be helpful to further consider prior to a PDP. Work will soon start on a Preliminary Issue Report and the draft charter. There will be further reporting during the GNSO working sessions in Singapore on Saturday 7 February 2015
  • New GAC Leadership
    Jonathan Robinson contacted Thomas Schneider the new GAC chair and will follow up in Singapore with the GAC vice-chairs

Item 3: Consent agenda

Approve the GNSO Council Recommendations Report to the ICANN Board concerning IRTP Part D

No votes against and no abstentions
All Councillors present voted to accept the consent agenda as it stands.

Note: The outcome of the vote that was conducted on the BWG NomCom report. It was encouraging and positive to see that that the new process (of voting outside of a Council meeting) works and enabled timely submission of input to the public comment period to the BWG NomCom

Item 4: UPDATE – Cross Community Working Group to develop a transition proposal for IANA stewardship on naming related functions

Jonathan Robinson noted that the Cross Community Working Group to develop a transition proposal for IANA stewardship on naming related functions have reviewed the public comments in detail during an intensive work weekend where there were four two-hour meetings.

It is clear that the ICG's timetable will not be met but it is expected that there will be an update before the Singapore meeting and a revised timetable with a new target date for submission to the ICG. A GNSO Council meeting is scheduled for 29 January 2015 and although there will no voting on a final proposal, that meeting will provide an opportunity to review CWG work.

Action items

  • Council must take part of its shared responsibility as a chartering organization to uphold the dialogue with the other parties including the Board.
  • Council could consider making a public statement where it applauds the work done from all the groups, (the numbers, names and the protocols) and offer a public statement of support recognizing the good work and the benefit from obtaining a coherent approach even if it has taken longer than the set-out timeline. The statement could also note that while meeting the timeline is important, not doing so in the interest of finding the right solution attests to the success of the multi stakeholder model.
  • Provide statement before next Council meeting.
    Avri Doria and Tony Holmes volunteered to work on the effort
  • Discussion item for Board GNSO meeting in Singapore on Sunday 8 February 2015

Item 5: UPDATE - Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability

Thomas Rickert informed Council that there are currently three co-chairs, Mathieu Weill -ccNSO, León Sánchez -At-Large, and Thomas Rickert- GNSO dividing the workload of the Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability. The group has weekly two hour calls and a two day face to face meeting is scheduled in Frankfurt. Part of the substantive work is the coordination with the CWG to ensure that both groups are kept informed of developments in the respective work areas. Thomas walked the Council through the High Level Statements that the groups provided the community with recently.

Action Item

The GNSO Council is one of the group's chartering organizations and ultimately the work of the group will need to be signed off on by the GNSO through the GNSO Council.

It is iimportant that the GNSO Council is continuously and properly appraised of this work and that Councillors take on the responsibility to keep their groups informed.

Item 6: UPDATE – Prospective policy work on "name collision"

Donna Austin noted that as requested by Jonathan Robinson on the last Council call, Tony Holmes, Susan Kawaguchi and herself had drafted a letter from the Council to Cyrus Namazi, primarily stating that it is premature to conduct any policy work on the issue of name collisions.

This draft was circulated to the Council list on Monday for consideration and feedback.

Action Item:

  • Discussion item for Board GNSO meeting in Singapore on Sunday 8 February 2015. The Council noted certain unusual practices unrelated to names collision and which may need to be further discussed beyond the narrow problem of names collision.
  • Council supported sending the letter subject to non-material edits and/or any other further comments to be received by 1800 UTC Friday 16 January 2015.

Item 7: DISCUSSION - Board resolution concerning future gTLD Application Rounds

Action Item:

Council supported sending the letter subject to non-material edits and/or any other further comments to be received by 1800 UTC Monday 19 January 2015

Item 8: UPDATE – GNSO / GAC Consultation Group and related work

Mason Cole reported that there are two areas of work being undertaken by the Consultation Group and there would be a more detailed update in Singapore.

  1. Establishing a process for engagement between the GAC and the GNSO on policy work.
  2. Current Council business that may interest the GAC namely the Policy development process issue on the curative rights mechanisms for IGOs and INGOs that is a subject of a PDP right now.

The composition of the GAC GNSO consultation group was discussed and this will be further considered in Singapore.

Volker Greimann reported that there is a first draft at analyzing how to make the GAC communiqué useful for the Board and further brainstorming is needed.

  • Action Items:
    Consider reviewing the membership of the GAC GNSO Consultation group at the face to face meeting on Monday 9 February 2015 in Singapore.
  • Volker Greimann to provide an updated draft of the 'analysis of the GAC communiqué to advise the Board of policy implications' to the Council list in preparation for next Council meeting.
  • David Cake to provide update on draft response to the GAC Los Angeles Communique at the next Council meeting.
  • Councillors are encouraged to comment on the list about which issues they would like to see addressed and which proposals they would like analysed.

Item 9: Update: Planning for ICANN meeting in Singapore – key direction & themes

Jonathan Robinson to send a letter to the Council list requesting suggestions for various topics to be discussed with the Board, the GAC and ccNSO.

Councillors are encouraged to send discussion topics to Jonathan Robinson, Volker Greimann and Glen de Saint Géry.

Item 10: Any Other Business

Action Items

10.1 - Correspondence with NGPC on IGO & RCRC.
Update expected at Singapore meeting in February 2015.

10.2 – Consideration of a CWG to deal with new gTLD auction proceeds
Item for the GNSO weekend working sessions: Brainstorming session followed by possible formation of a cross community working group to start as soon as possible, ideally at the Singapore meeting.

10.3 – Note that the Translation & Transliteration PDP WG Initial Report is out for public comment
are encouraged to inform their groups and contribute to the public comment period.

10.4 - Request for extension of time for Issue Report on Rights Protection Mechanisms
Mary Wong
to resend the request to the Council mailing list and submit it to the Council as a consent agenda item for the next Council meeting on 29 January 2015

IDN Implementation Guidelines

  • Mary Wong to resend original request from Akram Atallah.
  • Form an informal group of interested volunteers to provide input.

Jonathan Robinson, GNSO chair, adjourned the GNSO Council meeting and thanked everyone for their participation.

The meeting was adjourned at 19:40 UTC.

The next GNSO Council meeting will take place on Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 12:00 UTC.